
Crossbreed (Inherited - Uncommon)

Category: Mutations

Can only be acquired by breeding to li'uhn together. The resulting design can blend aspects of both parents

Uncommon tier

Black Trimming (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Can be inherited Corrupted li'uhn. Turns their trimming black.

Mythic tier.

Jagged Teeth (Rare)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

A mouthful of razor sharp teeth, long and dangerous. Sometimes turns them pitch black.

This can be inherited when breeding with a Corrupted li'uhn

Rare tier

Talons (Inherited - Rare)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Can be inherited when breeding with a corrupted Li'uhn.

Gives them long, curved talons, always extended


Rare tier

Corrupted (Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

This isn't really a mutation, though it does change the li'uhn inflicted with it.

It's an infection, of sorts. The origin is said to be Eldritch, and some think the il'hune were messing with these forces to create something dangerous. It worked altogether too well.

It darkens a li'uhn to a deep black, along with their mane and hair. Their wings and tail darken and lose all color, becoming completely greyscale. The only color on them is their burning eyes, which are sometimes an intense fierce red, burning yellow, or fiery.

Some traits that can be inherited from breeding with a Corrupted li'uhn
-Talons (Extended claws, long and very sharp)
-Jagged teeth (Their mouth is full of razor sharp teeth, with long fangs that can stick out over the lip.
-Yellow Eyes
-Red Eyes
-Black Trimming
-Ragged Fur

Example of a Corrupted common Li'uhn

Reduced Expression (Rare)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

This allows a marking or color mutation to partially express on any li'uhn type, allowing for some interesting interactions and playing with colors

Fanged (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

The canine teeth are extended, sticking out over the Li'uhn's lower lip.

This can be acquired by breeding with a or a Corrupted li'uhn

Woolie Tail (Inherited - Rare)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Allows the thickly furred, wide tail of the Woolie to appear on other Li'uhn types

This can be acquired by breeding another Li'uhn type with a Woolie

Rare tier

Extended Claws (Rare)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

This trait is free for Woolies, and is one of their default traits.

This causes the claws to remain extended instead of retracted

Rare for all other Li'uhn types

Red Eyes (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Turns a Li'uhn's eyes glowing red. It is quite startling when seen on a Shadowcloak with their coal black colors.

Mythic Tier

Can be inherited from Corrupted li'uhn

Yellow Eyes (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Turns a Li'uhn's eyes a glowing yellow.

Can be inherited from Corrupted li'uhn

Mythic tier

Blue Eyes (Rare)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Turns the normally glowing white eyes of a Li'uhn into glowing blue. Can effect any type.

32 results found.