
Earth (Uncommon)

Category: Color Morphs
Species: Li'uhn

Makes the wings, hair, tail and mane appear in shades of green, brown, or green and brown. They can keep the golden trimming.

They can also appear in tan or sandy colors as well, with brown banding. They way the brown and the green are combined is up to the designer.

Can not effect Shadowcloaks or Nightkin

Golden Tan (Uncommon)

Category: Body Color
Species: Li'uhn

A golden brown to light tan skin.

This can effect all Li'uhn aside from Shadowcloaks and Nightkin

Leopard (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
Species: Li'uhn

Creates rosettes and spots on the wings and tail of the Li'uhn. Can also create subtle rosettes on their body as well.

Tricolor (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
Species: Li'uhn

Allows up to three natural colors to appear on the body and frill of a Li'uhn. This only effects the body.

For example, a black and tan look with the body black and the belly brown with a patch of sandy tan on the chest, or three colors like a tricolor collie.

Despite being named Tricolor, it doesn't require three different colors, but should have at least two.

These colors should be natural/earthy, such as brown, grey, earthy orange, earthy red, mahogany, terracotta, and similar.

This marking can be effected by Extended Markings, making the markings on the Li'uhn match the base color of the wings.

Hawk (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Creates banding like what is found on the wings of a hawk all along the feathers, darker than the color beneath.

Comes free with the Earth color morph.

Tuxedo (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

The belly can turn white, or a large white patch around the throat and belly with white socks on the hands and feet and a white blaze on the face, like a tuxedo cat.

Zephyr (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Soft swirls across the wings, with soft specks here and there like dust caught in eddies of air

Medium Feathering (Uncommon)

Category: Mutations
Species: Kivuuli

Feathering around the feet and hands, usually along the arm and along the back of the foot. Matches the hair in color.

Free on Maltese.

Rex Coat (Uncommon)

Category: Mutations
Species: Kivuuli

Causes the Kivuuli's coat to be curly. Shows in various degrees.

Ridged Mane (Uncommon)

Category: Mutations
Species: Kivuuli

A strip of fur down the Kivuuli's spine forming a mane.

Scales (Uncommon)

Species: Sulfurhast

Trait Sheet

The Sulfurhast has scales of any sort

Ooze (Uncommon)

Species: Sulfurhast

Blood or other fluid oozes from the Sulfur's mouth and any wounds/open areas

Trait Sheet

Metallic (Uncommon)

Species: Sulfurhast

Trait Sheet

The bones and/or markings of the Sulfurhast can appear metallic.

Augmentation (Uncommon)

Species: Sulfurhast

Trait Sheet

Unnatural prosthetics fused into your Sulfurhast as part of them. Things such as robotic parts, guns or swords for arms, and suchlike.

Wisps (Uncommon)

Species: Sulfurhast

Trait Sheet

Creates floating will o' wisps around the Sulfurhast

Faerie Fire (Uncommon)

Species: Sulfurhast

Trait Sheet

The Sulfur appears to be on fire with unnatural flame. It does not burn, most often seen in greens and blues, but can be any color. Most often seen on the horns if they have them, or down their back on the ends of their protruding bones

Unnatural Markings (Uncommon)

Species: Sulfurhast

Markings forming unnatural shapes on the Sulfurhast, such as symbols, eyes or similar

Colors and Patterns

(In Progress)

37 results found.