
Large Wings (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Wing Types
Species: Li'uhn

Makes the wings noticeably larger than normal. Improves a Li'uhn's ability to fly. It can make a Strongclaw's wings normally sized for their bulk, but they are still too big to fly.

Can be inherited from Flutterwings.

Mythic tier.

Lion (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Fur
Species: Li'uhn

Can only appear on Stoneclaws unless inherited by another subtype.

Mythic tier

The ruff that they get extends into a full lionlike mane, and can either take on the dark color of the ruff, or turn the color of the wings, mane, hair and tail.

It can extend along the back of the arms to the elbows, and greatly exaggerates the fluff.

An example can be seen below!

Peacock (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Color Morphs
Species: Li'uhn

Blues, purples, and greens with eyespots on the feathers.

This can only effect Nightkin and Flutterwings.

Can be inherited from Nightkin and Flutterwings that have it

Aurora (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Color Morphs
Species: Li'uhn

Vibrant greens and blues with iridescence

Only effects Nightkin and Flutterwings.

Can be inherited from Nightkin and Flutterwings on other subtypes

Prism (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Color Morphs
Species: Li'uhn

Mythic tier, can be inherited from Flutterwings that have it

Can create a rainbow iridescence on the fur and wings. On Flutterwings, it can make the base color of the wings rainbow.

Geode (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Color Morphs
Species: Li'uhn

Makes the feathers appear crystallized, like gems in geodes. They can also take on colors and patterns similar to busmuth. Can create crack-like markings that appear on the wings. Can completely cover the wings.

Can be inherited from Stoneclaws that have it.

Ghostly (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Color Morphs
Species: Li'uhn

This is a mythic color mutation that can appear on Stoneclaws.

It can be inherited from Stoneclaws when breeding with a Stoneclaw that has it.

Lightens all their colors to ghostly whites and greys, leaving the Trimming gold or silver. The entire Li'uhn can appear to glow faintly in the dark, giving an eerie look.

Yellow Eyes (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Turns a Li'uhn's eyes a glowing yellow.

Can be inherited from Corrupted li'uhn

Mythic tier

Red Eyes (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Turns a Li'uhn's eyes glowing red. It is quite startling when seen on a Shadowcloak with their coal black colors.

Mythic Tier

Can be inherited from Corrupted li'uhn

Fanged (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

The canine teeth are extended, sticking out over the Li'uhn's lower lip.

This can be acquired by breeding with a or a Corrupted li'uhn

Black Trimming (Inherited - Mythic)

Category: Mutations
Species: Li'uhn

Can be inherited Corrupted li'uhn. Turns their trimming black.

Mythic tier.

11 results found.