C-017: Mitzia

Owned by KingHelios33

💍 "A soft spirit in a hard world."  💍


💍 Basic Info 💍

💍 Name: Mitzia
💍 Nicknames: Mitzy
💍 Age: 26
💍 Birthday: February 11th
💍 Gender: Female
💍 Pronouns: She/Her
💍 Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Panromantic | Pansexual
💍 Ethnicity: Egyptian
💍 Species: Li'uhn
💍 Occupation: Jewelry Maker
💍 Voice Claim: None Yet!

💍 Personals 💍

💍 Likes: The sun, gems, shiny things, singing, and forests
💍 Dislikes: The dark, being cold, stuffy places, and snow
💍 Personality: Mitzia can be skittish and will startle when she first meets someone. However, she's very curious always wanting to investigate new things that she finds. She's very sweet and peaceful, not liking conflict or violence. She tries to be a peacekeeper in certain situations and rarely shows sadness or anger. She's likes to make others happy with her products and she's a big sweetheart.
History: Mitzia lived in the world where the Li'uhn were created originally, and lived in this realm for most of her life. However, when she was eighteen, she happened upon a portal to another dimension. She didn't know what it was, and before she could leave it, she was sucked into it, landing in a desert biome of the Minecraftian server Creaturae. Mitzia was confused and scared, everything was different and when night feel, creatures she had never seen before came out after her.
She eventually found her way to a village and was welcomed in. She stayed her for the next few years and became a jewelry maker, finding stones and making them into beautiful crafts. She travels occasionally, but stays mostly in her village.

💍 Trivia 💍

💍 Mitzia's favorite gems are gems colored red or yellow.
💍 Mitzia collects pressed flowers.
💍 Mitzia is slowly learning magic to help her fly longer.
💍 Mitzia's favorite food is carrots.
💍 Mitzia's favorite color is yellow.
💍 Mitzia has a thick accent, one some people compare to that of someone from Egypt.

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