
Proto-Built (Kivuuli Subtype)

Protean and Proto-built Kivuuli are similar, so the information is copied between them

The Protean Kivuuli is the most ancient form of the Kivuuli race, and the only known ones to remain are the Protean Met'saa. Any ancestors before the Protean would produce sterile hybrids.

Their descendants are known as Proto Built Kivuuli, and there are four generations. F1 Proto Built Kivuuli have one parent that is a pure blooded Protean Kivuuli, and has a higher chance of passing the unique down to their offspring. A Protean and Normal Built Kivuuli will always pass down the Proto build into the F1 Proto built Kivuuli.

A F2 Proto Built Kivuuli has a F1 parent. A Protean and a F1 will produce another F1.

An F3 Proto Built Kivuuli has a F1 Grandparent.

The F4 Proto built Kivuuli has a great grandparent that is a Proto built Kivuuli. After this generation, the Proto build is bred out completely.

F3 Proto Built Kivuuli are slightly less wild than a pureblooded Protean, and the fur is not quite as thick. The hair becomes less furlike and more hairlike. F4 Proto Built Kivuuli are average sized for a Kivuuli, though still have the Protean build and normal hair instead of furlike hair.

The Protean Kivuuli is completely closed, though I may open up F1 - F4 Proto Built Kivuuli that can only be obtained through MyO events, which will be few and far between, and will likely be the F3 or F4

The Protean Met'saa is said to be the only pure Proto Built Kivuuli left in existence. The very last vestige of the very first creatures that were considered Kivuuli, the last remnants of their ancient ancestors that died out billions of years ago when the smaller, more successful Kivuuli took over and pushed the Protean Kivuuli into extinction. Of course, this wasn’t intentional. It was survival of the fittest and the smaller Kivuuli was far more adaptable. That, and they just gradually adapted and changed to the environments around them.

The Protean Met'saa has almost the exact build of the ancient Protean Kivuuli. They have the ancient build, and all of them have the heel spur and dew claw that the race used to have before it slowly evolved out due to not being used. Over millennia, the spur and dewclaw mostly disappeared... but not for the Protean Met'saa, since they actively use it when climbing trees and traversing the jungle. This feature holds over to regular Met'saa as well, though not as pronounced.

This breed of Kivuuli is extremely rare. They live in small Colonies, and are only present in one world said to be trapped in time, that is mostly heavy jungle and have massive beasts that roam the tree-laden land, though they do go through Between on occasion. Usually the small areas near their jungle homes. While rare, the few that exist thrive in the depths of the primal jungles they exist in. All regular Met’saa rose from the Protean Met’saa, and being more adaptable spread to forests in many worlds while the Protean Met’saa remained in their primordial jungle.

They share some features with the Maltese - the fur-like hair, the mane-like fur down the back. This is because isolation has caused Maltese to display atavistic features - features long buried in their genetics. Features that the Protean Met'saa never lost.

They are extremely reclusive and rarely approach those of other races. While they border on xenophobic, they would rather just run away and hide and never attack. Even other Kivuuli don't know of their existence... or think they are just a myth.

Protean Met'saa spend more time on all fours than modern Kivuuli, and are more wild and feral. Their speech is heavily accented, since their jaws and mouths are formed a little differently. They speak with an odd lisping growl, making them harder to understand even if they have learned your language. Their voices are rougher and more beastial. All Protean Met’saa have the strange mutation that allows their Heartstones to self heal, and thus do not die of age. The reason for this is unknown, and it is thought that the group of Protean Kivuuli they rose from were the very first Kivuuli to show this strange and rare mutation. Some also theorize that it is connected to the jungle they live in, and the odd magic that surrounds it; and still others think they figured out how to cause the mutation. There is one thing that is for sure, though, that this mutation being present in the breed is why they are still around.

They are every bit as intelligent as other Kivuuli breeds, though far more primal in their thought processes, instincts, and actions; they are also reclusive, skittish, and more likely to hide.

Unlike regular Met’saa, Protean Met’saa live in small Colonies. Often consisting of 2-5 females, 5-12 males, and any kits born to them.

Protean Met'saa are huge.

Males stand around 10 feet, where females can stand up to twelve feet tall.

The Protean Met'saa is a closed breed/subspecies of Kivuuli. I won’t likely release any to be adopted, and I won’t allow any to be made due to their extreme rarity.


While extinct, this is what the Protean Kivuuli, the original Kivuuli, the most ancient of their variants, looked like. Black, like the common Kivuuli, fanged and wild. Fierce and powerful and big. There are no Proteans left, they're extinct.

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