
Silverwing (Li'uhn Subtype)


Elegant and beautiful, the Silverwing is a trait inserted into the Li'uhn purely for looks and beauty. They were often the pampered pets/companions of high-status Il’hune before they wiped themselves out. The tallest of the Li'uhn, they also have the largest wings and are powerful fliers. Silverwings often have small troops of common Li'uhn following them around, because they create a nice backwind when they fly, allowing the others to use their backwind to glide along with them. This often ends up in a little pyramid formation with the Silverwing at the forefront, happy to help their smaller fellows. While beautiful and able to fly very well, Silverwings are not considered any more important than any other Li'uhn, as they all view eachother as equals.
The tallest of the Li'uhn, they average around six feet and five inches tall.

Feathering and Extended Markings are both free to add to a Silverwing.

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